
Showing posts from 2015

healty burger and kripik

I may have surprised you with the healthy burger and chips title. Healthy burger and chips? Is that possible. This isn’t even one of my cheat meals. This is just a healthy burger and chips recipe that I wanted to share with you, honestly it's delicious! One of the top reasons people HATE diets is they get BORED they feel like they’re stuck eating the usual salads, meat and veg again and again. It doesn't have to be that way and this recipe is proof of that. I think lots of us crave a nice burger and chips from time to time, but in most cases eating them can put a little bit of timber around the middle. However here is the exception… Ingredients for Burgers (4 servings) * 500g extra lean beef mince (or turkey will work fine too) * 1 onion, chopped finely * 1 chilli – finely chopped (optional) * 1 x egg * Seasoning: Salt and pepper 1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, divide it into 4 portions. Knead each portion so it all sticks together nicely, then flatten into a burg